Jogo is a high(er) performance compiled language (like C++) with a clean, powerful syntax (like Python, Lua, or Ruby). It is designed for programming games and game servers.
Getting started
- Debian: jogo-0.4.0.deb
- OS X: jogo-0.4.0.pkg
- Windows: jogo-0.4.0.exe
Who started this thing?
Jogo was designed and written by Matt Fichman.
How can I contribute?
I'm looking for help with Jogo. Starting a new language is a big task. In particular, I need help writing lots of additional tests, libraries, and compiler back-ends (x86-32 and ARM in particular -- the compiler currently only outputs x86-64). If you'd like to contribute, check out the GitHub repository, add yourself to the contributors page and send me a pull request. Also, check out the wish list.